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Half Breeds

Halfbreeds are not a simple mix of just any two races. They are, more specifically, half Human and half Saiyan. Halfbreeds, for the most part, live on Earth. Like Saiyans they are born with a monkey tail. Also, like their Saiyan parents, they have the ability to become a Super Saiyan. They also transform into giant beasts known as Oozaru, though this is only possible if their tails are still attached during a full moon. Rumor has it that halfbreeds are incapable of attaining as high a level of Super Saiyan. Though this is hard to prove, since so few attain such unheard-of power.

List of Moves

Power Ups:


Super Saiyan:
Saiyans and halfbreeds can turn into Super Saiyans. Since a Halfbreed isn't a full blooded Saiyan they cannot go beyond Super Saiyan Level 3. The powerlevel modifiers for turning into a Super Saiyan are as follows:
- Super Saiyan 1 x 10 +8 str, +5 spd, +3 int, +5 con (25m base)
- Super Saiyan 2 x 16 +16 str, +8 spd, +4 int, +8 con (1b base)
- Super Saiyan 3 x 24 +24 str, +12 spd, +6 int, +12 con (5b base)
Normally Super Saiyans find it easiest to gradually power up through the multiple stages of their transformations. However, by expending extra energy they can switch between different forms without going through every other stage. Each stage skipped adds half the energy needed to use the chosen form to the final cost.

Ultimate Super Saiyan:
While in training, some Super Saiyans have discovered how to ascend beyond their normal limits. These Ultimate Super Saiyans quickly discovered drawbacks to their techniques, however. By concentrating large amounts of energy within their bodies, they are able to increase their powerlevels and strength much higher than any regular Super Saiyan could ever hope to acheive.
- USSJ 1 x12 +16 str, +5 spd, +3 int, +5 con (200m base)
- USSJ 2 x14 +24 str, -15 spd, +5 int, +8 con (500m base)
This improved strength also increases body mass, causing their speed to lower considerably, making the 'perfected' version of this technique not so perfect after all...

A special trait of the Saiyan race is that of their monkey-like tails. However, while it may seems harmless to the common observer, these tails are the secret behind a power transformation. All people with Saiyan blood are usually born with these tails, although the likeliness goes down with dilution (Ie, Pan, who was a 1/4th saiyan, had no tail). As long as a Saiyan possesses a tail, they are able to transform into what is called the Oozaru state, when looking at a full moon. This is due to a special chemical released into the body by the tail, triggered by a special type of light wave frequency given off by the full moon.
Transforming into an Oozaru multiplies a persons powerlevel by 10, but has no stat mods. While transformed, a Saiyan cannot speak normally, nor can it act normally in some respects, such as being able to wear/remove items. However, while transformed, a Saiyan can use the Oozaru mouth cannon, an incredibly powerful and formidable attack.
There is also a more powerful version of this transformation. It is referred to as Golden Oozaru, due to the fur and eyes of the transformed saiyan resembling the golden hair and eyes of a super saiyan. In order to transform in a Golden Oozaru, a Saiyan must first master the Super Saiyan 3 technique (getting it to 100%). If they have done so, then the next time the Saiyan is at its base pl during a full moon, the Saiyan will transform into a Golden Oozaru, rather than a normal Oozaru. Becoming a Golden Oozaru is also the key to attaining the final form for Saiyans, SSJ4. Because of this, halfbreeds are unable to transform into Golden Oozaru. Golden Oozaru is the strongest possible powerlevel multiplier in the game (even more so than a Demon in the evil overload state during the Makeo star), multiplying the Saiyans powerlevel by 35.

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