Demons Demons originate from an opposite dimension of Earth, known as
Shadow Earth; although it is commonly called by other names, such as underworld,
netherworld, etc. In this under dimension, the picture perfect example of what
would happen to Earth if evil were to reign supreme paints the world the Demons
have known since the Earth was created. Fights constantly rage across the
surface of a charred, desolate, pathetic thing that somehow passes for a planet.
The sky is always a blood red. The sun in the sky is pitch black, with a grey
corona. Even when night falls, the black sky still has a faint stain of red to
it. In this twisted world, power and greed reign supreme. The demon population
is segregated up into various clans, led by their own particular warlords. While
all of these clans constantly fight amongst each other, and serve their own
ends, they ultimately follow orders given by the strongest demon over all, who
is the Demon King. Power Ups (Evil Forms) Reaching deep inside their evil soul, a demon can boost their
powerlevel to great lengths by unleashing their dark, restrained power. Each
skill is a variable mod, letting a demon have full control of the extent of
their power. Once unlocked, almost nothing stands in the way of a demon raining
the depths of hell down onto their enemies. |