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Android Fully Mechanical (FM)

Type FM android. The FM is short for Fully Mechanical.

The FM type android in the game is partially based on Android 16 from the show, and then modified from there with how I think an android that is 100% pure machine and AI programming would be. Unlike the other android types, the bodies of type FM androids can wildly fluctuate in design. From more human-looking ones, such as Android 16, to mechanical demons right out your nightmares, such as Sigma.

One of the main consistencies in the FM types designs, however, is they are largely modular-based, in that limbs and whatnot can be removed at will, etc, which allows for their incredible versatility, and gave birth to a number of their incredible attacks. One of the most commonly known is rocket punch, whereby a type FM android can fire one of their arms off like a rocket at an enemy, in order to do heavy damage.

The type FM android, unlike the other two types, is sort of a hybrid in its own way, of its own race and the type E android. Like the type E, the type FM has the capability to absorb ki energy. However, unlike type E, type FM cannot gain upgraded forms of this technique, nor can it store up and fire absorbed ki energy. The ki absorb skill for type FM
also has a slightly lower chance of working. (Type E's ki absorb has a 50% chance, whereas type FM has a 35% chance.)

Overall, the FM type is designed to be the 'strongest' type of android, in regards to its literal strength, as well as its attacks; for the most part, anyways.

Type FM androids are able to use all android equipment, just like the other android types, as well as all tech level chips.

List of Moves

Power Ups

Since Androids have no ki to power up their stored combat data -- which expands their system and adds 'Tech Level' -- and hardware upgrades are what makes them become more powerful. The good Doctor has also created special computer chips that can be installed inside of Androids to multiply their Tech Level. There are rumors of a series of prototype chips that Dr. Gero installed into some of his creations, but few -- if any -- have ever been
T-4 Chip - x4 - 8,000,000 TL +4 str, +4 spd, +4 int, +4 con
T-3 Chip - x8 - 50,000,000 TL +8 str, +8 spd, +8 int, +8 con
T-2 Chip - x12 - 250,000,000 TL +12 str, +12 spd, +12 int, +12 con
T-1 Chip - x16 - 500,000,000 TL +16 str, +16 spd, +16 int, +16 con
Omega Chip - x20 - 2,000,000,000 TL +20 str, +20 spd, +20 int, +20 con
X-1 Chip - ??


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